Oh, Cordelia!

I think Cordelia's character raises some really great questions for Buffy viewers. She is at once a typical "mean girl" from high school -- rich, vain, popular, very concerned with her reputation and power -- still, Cordelia is one of the most honest and straight-forward characters on the show. Her secret "relationship" (at least at the moment, mainly physical) with Xander makes her face her own demons (ha, get it?) about how important a popular reputation in high school really is. I think Whedon is a genius for making the popular girl stereotype still extremely likable and funny, even when she says awful things! Furthermore, her willingness to help the Scoobies (she uses her sex appeal willingly to assist in the episode "Innocence") illustrates a better glimpse at how crucial Cordelia becomes at later points in the show. I haven't seen Angel, but I can sense how Whedon drops hints all throughout Buffy that even though Cordelia says nasty things (like in "Surprise," she tells Xander: "Well, of course you wanna tell everybody. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I, on the other hand, have everything to be ashamed of"), she really steps up and uses what she knows. She ends up actually being fond of the Scoobies and discovering new things about herself along the way. Cordelia is a great example of how people have a change of heart -- but she still maintains a level of "mean-girlness" that continually manages to receive our forgiveness.
I have to agree that I like Cordelia's character. Although she is the typical "mean girl," and that role has been done so many times, I still enjoy her on the show. From what I've seen, she is more funny than mean. It is obvious that she loves herself just a little too much, but I think she is in some ways just a teenage girl. She is also helping out Buffy, and her friends, which just goes to show, she can't be that bad. However, I am basing my opinion on only one, two part episode.
I would have to agree. Cordelia is the typical snobby school girl but I still find her to be a likeable, yet sometimes annoying, character.
Her character does evolve and mature overtime, especially when they graduate. You will see it in Angel. I think this shows real life pretty well. Once you're out of school life changes quickly.
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