"Once More With Feeling" is another cringe-worthy number for me to watch. However, I will get to the positive things. I really liked Spike's song, "Rest In Peace" and thought it summed up his character well, and I also enjoyed Gile's song "Standing in the Way" as well. Both I found to be less cheesy and better written. I will also have to say that Joss was clever with giving a descent "singing" explanation. He didn't have the characters sing just to sing. Each person had inner feelings bottled up that needed to be expressed, and by the end of the episode those emotions were laid out in the open. It really did give the rest of the season direction with where Joss wanted it to go. Buffy turned to Spike in an attempt to feel something, Xander and Anya's relationship began to slowly crumble, Willow and Tara's relationship did crumble, Giles left and Dawn pretty much remained a bratty teenager.
This short scene was one of the funniest for me:
Dawn: Oh my God. You will never guess what happened at school today.
Buffy: Everybody started singing and dancing?
Dawn: I gave birth to a pterodactyl.
Anya: Oh my God, did it sing?
And a picture of course:

Wow, I'm impressed at that bag. And, the Award for Best Disney Musical is a tie between Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. The Lion King is good, too, just not my favorite. I actually detest The Sound of Music, but do confess to liking Mary Poppins. I am not a fan of musicals across the board, especially when they try to be serious, but I don't hate them or anything. I will concede that they are not for everyone, and that's totally fine. Embrace the hate!
I love this baaaaagggg. Yes, useless comment. But I can't help it!
I love it, too. Another useless comment. Ha.
It does look kind of duck-like, though.
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