They both have a secret lair and to an extent a second life. Bruce Wayne has his enterprises and Angel has his "detective agency" (and later I believe a hotel). I don't think Jonathon mentioned it but they both seem to have their own vehicles.
This got me thinking something else. Batman, and in extent Angel, are very similar to Inspector Gadget. They all have special gizmos they carry with them. They also all have sidekicks. Angel and Gadget actually share female sidekicks. Depending on what your opinion is Batman might as well in Robin. In fact, Doyle is similar to that
Angel and Gadget may even be a closer pair because if you recall, Gadget's enemy is The Claw. The evil guy who never see except for his hand. Angel has the firm of Wolfam and Heart who you also never see. Perhaps the fellow evil lawyers are similar to the metal hand?
This may be something to think about. More research may be needed.

As for Dr. H's post, I don't know whether to be entertained by the video or worried that some one has that amount of time and are willing to spend it chopping up Twlight movies. That's kind of creepy.
I also just found out that Dawn from Buffy is in the Gadget movie. The comparissons keep growing!
I used to watch the Inspector Gadget cartoon when I was little and I am very pleased to see it being referenced! I didn't even think about the Gadget/Angel comparison until now, but you are right, especially the way each of their villains are portrayed. It builds more suspense when you are unable to see the actual villain. Harry Potter comes to mind also because in the movie we don't see Voldemort until the end and it is scarier that way. There is definitely a pattern.
OK Adam, I am going to disagree.
Sure, there are superficial similarities between Angel and Inspector Gadget, but I could say the same about any show to air on TV.
What "hero" doesn't carry around gizmos? Who doesn't have a sidekick (or two)?
The similarities are there, but they are there for almost any example you can drudge up. This speaks to genre conventions more than anything.
I do love me some Inspector Gadget, though.
You can make a comparison between Angel and anyone who is not a squeaky clean classic hero, it's all in how you back it up....What other Gadget comparisons have you found?
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