This line solidified Kaylee as my favorite Firefly character next to River Tam. With being only slightly exposed to her fun, bubbly personality within a couple episodes and Serenity, Kaylee revealed a stronger side with cute determination; her will to be with Simon outweighed any fear she had. River, on the other hand, completely revealed what she was capable of. I was sure that she was Reaver food after she jumped through the doors. The scenes of her fighting and killing every last Reaver to ultimately save the day was beyond amazing! At this point, I thought everyone was going to die, so to see that ending shot of River holding the blade dripping with blood? Very badass!
Ironically, after seeing Serenity and knowing that the Alliance’s main goal for recapturing River was to prevent her from spilling the secret about how the Reavers were created, I thought about the similarity of names between River and Reaver. Both are just slightly modified. It made me wonder more about River’s so-called “training” with the Alliance and if there may have been any similarity in the future. If River would have shown the same aggressiveness that the people on Miranda showed, would they have accidently made her a Reaver too? Maybe that doesn’t make any sense, and I don’t know much more about Firefly aside from two episodes and a movie, but the concept seemed interesting.
Also, after seeing Serenity, I am definitely interested in watching the remaining episodes of Firefly. Even though I know how it ends, I’m still interested in the beginning and how they got to the episode, “Objects in Space.” I’ve become invested in the characters (blame Joss Whedon for that) and I want to know more about them. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad we moved onto Firefly!
Another great scene!

Ashley, great post! I agree with you on several points: Kaylee's line was one of the best from the movie; it simultaneously affirms her tough-girl status and also how she's very much human with, you know, human the form of Simon. Ha!
Also, I really like how you brought the name discussion full circle (I know we talked a lot about the names as we began to watch Firefly.) It is so interesting to think that River/Reavers may be connected--I never thought about it like that. River's name alone would then serve as a hint of her potential danger to the crew.
Lastly, I'm also interested in watching the other Firefly episodes. The characters are very striking for me, too, which I think is interesting since Adam claimed a few posts down ("Why I Hate Joss Whedon") that he isn't connecting with them.
Yes, I too found the characters to be what is the most compelling on ANY of Joss Whedon's shows.
To give Adam a little Kudos, and then to turn and disagree, I actually do find some of the snarky dialogue to be detracting and distracting at times, but I also feel that it is the characters in turn who save the show, not drag it down.
We all have moments where we say stupid, insipid, or cringe-worthy things, and the fact that the characters are so human and relatable saves the show, and actually allows the witticisms to not be creations of Whedon and Co., but to actually seem as though they are the verbalizations of the Crew/Gang or whatever!
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