Thursday, March 3, 2011

Feedback on Firefly Episode for Tuesday

Okay, Firefly fans: here's your chance. Which episode(s) should we watch starting on Tuesday? Here are some options (but feel free to offer other contenders):

1) "Serenity": This is the original pilot. Here's the problem, though: It's a two-parter.

2) "Out of Gas": Could work well because it introduces the characters pretty nicely (through flashback).

3) "War Stories": Just because it tends to be a highly-regarded episode.

I am fairly certain (like 90%) that "Objects in Space" will be the second episode we watch, for what it's worth. It will set us up nicely for Serenity (the movie).

As you make your recommendations, think about the audience (our class) and why the episode would work (or not) for the purposes of our class. Think rhetorically, in other words.

Okay--take to the comments and make your case. And, for handy reference, here's the wikipedia article about the episodes. Even if you haven't seen any episodes, feel free to chime in with feedback. I'll make the final decision on Saturday evening.


Roxanne E. said...

I would like to see either "Serenity" or "Out of Gas" because I'd like a really nice set up of the characters. I'd like to watch the entire series on my own, so I'd like a good familiarity with the characters and the set up of the Firefly universe. I also think there are a good number of my classmates that have never watched the series either, and this notion would benefit them as well.

JoshMeadows said...

I think "Out of Gas" is probably the best choice. It sets up the backstory of the characters well. Unfortunately, though, the emotional resonance of the episode may be dampened by first time watchers because of their lack of Firefly experience. In order to care about what happens to the characters, we have to know them! So it's good and bad.

It's my personal bias, though. I think it's the strongest episode.