Saturday, April 2, 2011

"People Don't Like to be Meddled With"~ River

Serenity is another movie depicting the destruction of civilizations when the government/ruler attempts to decide what is best for its citizens. Why is it human nature to desire a perfect world? Perfection is subjective in the first place because we all have different ideas of what would be considered supreme. The German Nazi's considered a certain heritage, beliefs and looks as supreme and murdered those who were not in possession of those traits. The Egyptian rulers considered Hebrews inferior, and held them in bondage, in the same way caucasions treated African Americans. Does this make Nazi's, Egyptians and caucasions evil? No, it just makes them people with a desire to create a perfect world, from their subjective view of perfection. I am glad that the Serenity crew suceeded in holding the Alliance back and would compare it to the defeat of Nazism, slavery, and discrimination. It brought freedom from government oppression. I think Wash said it best when he stated, "I'm a how I fly." A leaf is a free object on the breeze and when you're truly free there is no limit to how high you can fly.


Jonathan said...

I think the idea of an Alliance-Nazi parallel works particularly well, in that both groups wanted to create a "better" race and both failed, resulting in the deaths of many, many innocents.

Unknown said...

Whoah, risky move to say that Nazi's are not evil, but one I happen to concur with. It's so scary to think that some of these types of people that have now become synonymous with evil might have actually had the quest of "good" and "perfection" as their original goals.

Do you think that makes it more or less scary (in both Serenity and History)??

awilliams6369 said...

I believe that striving for perfection in any aspect is a scary quest and typically unsuccessful. Throughout history there have been many people who believe in their idea of the perfect race, perfect society, or perfect government. There are many willing to fight and kill for that belief. Initially their ideals may appear honorable but eventually an ethical barrier is crossed. I feel that these aspects are portrayed well in Serenity and stayed true to the progression of historical ideals that have gone terribly bad.

Holly Williford said...

I really wish we'd learned more about the workings of the Alliance.

Serenity really reminded me of a lot of great science fiction with the dystopia thing going on. 1984, Brave New World and Farhenheit 451 come to mind especially.