Communication seems to be the theme of "Hush". Communication is defined as a means of transfering information. In the beginning of the episode Buffy and Riley have difficulty verbalizing their feelings for each other. Xander and Anya are unable to discuss their relationship effectively. Anya wants clarification of Xander's feelings but Xander doesn't want to talk about it. Willow and Tara are members of a Wiccan group who don't really talk about anything Wiccan. They both struggle to verbalize their frustrations with the group. There seems to be a lot of verbalization occurring in the beginning but no successful communication.
When the "gentlemen" appear the verbalization ceases but communication actually improves. Buffy and Riley show their feelings for each other with the much anticipated kiss. Xander and Anya's relationship improves when Xander shows his feelings, through his actions, which he was unable to prove when he had his voice. Willow and Tara are able to communicate strength by the joining of hands and accomplishing the goal of blocking the door from the "gentlemen". When verbalization skills are removed people are more likely to spend the time choosing what they truly wish to communicate.
I thought that of all the relationships effected by the loss of speech, Xander and Anya stood the most to gain and it seemed to work out alright for them by the end of the episode.
When you think about the part where Willow looks so frightened as she is trying to communicate to Tara that she has the ability to block the door but can't, you can't help but feel so bad for her. Then, when they grab hands and it works immediately, I found myself cheering on the inside because you know that Tara had to have believed in Willow even more than she believed in herself, and I think that is something really amazing to be able to 'communicate' to someone.
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