Monday, January 31, 2011

Buffy's Thoughts on Hush

The idea of talking just being waiting for someone else to finish speaking was just one of the ideas that came from my thinking about "Hush." I started writing about what makes this episode scary, and I tried to think about the deep emotional scary stuff because I figured that's what we are supposed to be doing, and then I got this idea and I realized it scared me very much.

One of my biggest fears is being totally and completely misunderstood by those around me that I love, and there is nothing scarier than the idea of one day realizing that all you every do with your boyfriend, or best friend, or husband/wife/ and family is sit and share words, without ever really listening, without ever really taking in what they are saying.

You know how when you are at a big family picnic and your mom is sharing her story about her one night stand with Chuck Norris, and some awkward in-law you don't like says something like, "If you think that is awesome, guess who I!..." You feel bad for your poor aunt/sister/cousin who married that shmuck because you can see her life set out before her, a life filled with un-fulfillment.

I cannot help but that these kind of thoughts must have been steamrolling through Buffy's head as she wandered the streets of Sunnydale, trying to keep it's residents safe from The Gentlemen.

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