Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Don't Say a Word"

Dear, dear. While I don't take back my earlier comments, I quite enjoyed "Hush." If the show continues in this direction, I think I will eventually like it. The writing was much more adult-themed than the rather juvenile jokes of Season 2. Yes, it had bad moments, but it was overall such an improvement over "Surprise" and "Innocence" that I may have considered it for that Emmy.

Anyway, enough raving. When people can't talk, the world is apparently a lot more simple. There was also a great deal more physical contact. Xander's caveman routine didn't feel like it actually solved anything in his and Anya's relationship, but whatevs. It's also interesting that people are either silent or they talk too much when nervous. Buffy and Riley start out babbling, but end up in complete silence. This total inability to meaningfully communicate obviously spells doom for their relationship. I would honestly theorize the same thing for Xander and Anya, because a) all relationships end, usually through a breakup, and b) their relationship is far too much about the physical, and it seems like Xander may be taking some advantage of Anya's naiveté to have sex with her.

I kinda don't know where I was going with that, but I will save it by doing my random tidbits:
  • That dream at the beginning was disturbing and inappropriate...
  • Teehee at orgasm friend
  • OMG, Giles and Spike fanfic!
  • And, not as fun, but Xander and Spike fanfic, he was totally channeling Anya in that scene
  • SMG looks like she had some work done, but she definitely looks anorexic
  • I'm pretty sure those Wiccans don't know what a bacchanal is, they really don't seem like the orgy-party type
  • Why wasn't Spike burning from all the light coming through the windows?
  • Willow still has some stupid lines, but at least she has pretty hair
  • I'm glad they pared down the cast, but no Cordelia T_T
  • Willow and Tara totally had a Charmed moment!
  • The Gentlemen were creepily adorable, the Footmen, not so much. I thought they were gonna rape that poor college kid
  • The show's better without all the semi-boring vampires running around


Ryan said...

I also enjoyed the step up in maturity. Though it did a good job not to take itself too seriously, you can tell that these later episodes are geared towards an older audience. The writing for this particular episode seemed far superior to the previous episodes we watched.

Unknown said...

I was really stoked to see some more mature-ish episodes. I have to remind myself that the show did have an age progression, remember we did start with Buffy in HS and now she's in college.

<3 the Giles Spike fanfic!