Thursday, January 13, 2011

My first impressions

I know many of you find it surprising that there are people out there that have never watched Buffy, but until today's class, that was me. I thought that the episode we watched today was good. I think that the story line about a vampire slayer being in love with a vampire is clever. Also, I found it to be entertaining and have a decent plot, but sometimes the characters' next moves were a bit predictable. Throughout the episode I picked up on characteristics, such as clothing and language, that really tied it to the nineties. Also, it reminded me of the recent books and movies, Twlight, because of the vampire theme. I will say, after the first class I was a little intimidated. It seemed as if everyone, except for about three of us, were part of a "secret club," but I think I'm going to like the show and the class. Who knows, maybe even by the end of the semester I will be a member of the "secret club" as well.

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