Friday, January 21, 2011


I must say that “Innocence” was much more enjoyable than “Surprise.” First of all, because Angel became a bad guy, there were not so many awkward smooching scenes. Secondly, the hardcore side of Buffy came out, which was not shown at all in “Surprise.” I really enjoyed the strong image she put forth, not only physically but emotionally. Most women are perceived as wimps or emotionally unstable on television shows so it was nice to see Buffy put the boy garbage aside and kick some butt.

The fact that Buffy’s mother doesn’t have any obvious suspicions about Buffy and her vampire-slaying career is totally outrageous. When Buffy entered the house after being out all night, her mother had very little to say about Buffy’s suspicious and terrible performance on the stairs. If I was out all night (on a school night) without any contact with my mother, I doubt,“Yeah, yeah. Fun at Willow’s. She’s a…fun machine,” would be a response my mother would just brush off. I also find it hard to believe that sixteen-year-olds are allowed to have slumber parties on school nights.

Aside from my issue with Mrs. Slayer’s parenting, I really did enjoy this episode. It was hilarious. I found Xander to be the comic relief during the tense scenes and even though he says a lot of foolish things, he also appears to be very smart. I loved him in the scene where he and Cordelia were stealing weapons. This episode also made me love Willow even more. She is such an essential character because though “Innocence” relates to the Buffy-Angel nonsense, I feel like Willow is a perfect portrayal of an innocent teenager. Speaking of Buffy and Angel, I thought it was interesting that no one ever said, “Buffy and Angel had sex,” but everyone kind of knew that it happened. As previously stated, I really enjoyed Buffy’s character in this episode. It is difficult enough being a teenage girl, then you throw in the vampire slayer thing and the losing her virginity to the evil boyfriend thing and it makes for an exhausting day. Buffy really proved to be much stronger than I had previously given her credit for. You go girl!

This is silly but I laughed when I saw it.


Adam Solomon said...

I forgot how great of a character Willow was. You are right, she is innocent. This parallels Buffy's character slightly, who has to kill all sorts of creatures. Yet Willow is smart and is better at tapping into other people's feelings. She was the one to tell Giles to leave Buffy alone when she was upset. She knew what to do.

Phil "PHEAL" Cruz said...

Haha I agree with the comment about Xander "I'm a seventeen year old boy... Linoleum makes me wanna have sex". He does Bring alot of relief to the very tense scenes though and I find that to be contributed by his "smart ass" nature

Unknown said...

I laughed a lot watching the whose line, my mom totally does not believe I am doing real homework.

Ryan said...

It does seem a bit far-fetched(even for this concept) that Buffy's mother has no idea what's going on. Come on, really. She's out all night, all the time. She's obviously either killing vampires or being a little scut, both I would imagine, would concern the mother of a teenage girl.