Saturday, January 15, 2011


This was the first episode of Buffy I have seen in quite a while but I have to say it brought back a lot of memories. I was about the same age as they are supposed to be so re-watching this episode really wanted me to go back to the 90's. Granted, I was living in England at the time, so 90's California is quite different, but feelings that the show produced are the same. The 90's were the best!
I also forgot how much I loved Oz (Seth Green). His character was the quintessential "cool guy". For those of you that don't know, if because a regular in further season(s). I will not ruin it for those that have not seen it, but his character has a mighty sweet flaw which comes in handy at times. The best part about Oz is how laid back he is. He was my favorite character when I used to watch the show weekly. Long live Seth Green! Robot Chicken!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seth Green was always my favorite character on the show, I thought he was kind of fabulous because he played guitar and was really chill. That sounds like kind of an easy answer, but it's really hard to be calm and relaxed about all the things that are happening on a show like Buffy. He reacts naturally, like is intense surprise about finding out about vampires, but he also casually has a conversation with Willow about the progression of their relationship. He is a great character because he keeps the show grounded. And I love Robot Chicken too!